Pink Lady® apples are world famous for their unique taste

Biting into a Pink Lady® apple is a full sensory experience, unlike any other apple in the market.

Because Pink Lady® apples have a vibrancy and consistency other apples don’t.

From the audible crunch and burst of juice to the fizz sensation on your tongue, Pink Lady® apples invigorate your tastebuds

Thought the apple aisle was dull? Not on our watch.


Early to blossom and late to harvest, Pink Lady® apples are sun ripened longer, delivering a perfectly balanced flavour wrapped in a rosy-blush colour.

Sun Ripened Longer

Hand-picked and
grown with care

We nurture our Pink Lady® apples with care and attention.

At Harvest time, Pink Lady® apples are hand-picked in several ‘waves’ to ensure only the ripest fruit are selected.

Each apple is gently grasped in the palm of the hand, then rolled upward before being broken off without being damaged. The apple is removed from the branch with its stem intact and gently placed in crates.

Because like our consumers, every apple deserves the very best.

Only the best
apples can wear
the Pink Lady®

It isn’t easy to receive the Pink Lady® seal of approval.

Strict quality control means we only select the very best apples to be hand-picked. Our iconic pink heart is a symbol of our apple’s authenticity and consistent quality.

Grown in some
amazing places

Pink Lady® apples thrive in some of the most beautiful places in the world.

Elevated landscapes with distinctive seasons. Cool autumnal evenings and warm sunny days. These conditions bring out our apple’s signature rosy-blush skin and deliciously unique taste.

Find Pink Lady® near you

Join the
Pink Lady®

The Pink Lady® trademark is owned by Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL), and managed globally by Twenty Degrees.

Through this global management structure, the ongoing investment in the brand’s international development and marketing has seen Pink Lady® grow to become the world’s most loved apple brand, sold in over 120 countries.

A cornerstone of the global Pink Lady® business is a strong international network of licensees and distributors. Only licensed exporters can supply Pink Lady® apples to licensed importers, ensuring the integrity of our global apple brand.

If you are interested in exporting, importing or selling Pink Lady®, you can apply for a license by contacting us.

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