Pink Lady® is a brand, grown and sold under licence around the globe. Only apples that meet our strict quality standards can be sold under the Pink Lady® brand name. Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL), owns and manages the intellectual property in the Pink Lady® family of trade marks, which is registered and protected in multiple jurisdictions worldwide.


Pink Lady® was developed as a premium apple. In 1973 Australian plant-breeder John Cripps crossed a Golden Delicious with a Lady Williams, creating the Cripps Pink variety from which Pink Lady® branded apples evolved.
Today Pink Lady® is one of the best-known brands of fruit in the world.
Our purpose

Feed the world with moments of WOW!
The Pink Lady® Brand Purpose guides everything we do.

What our purpose means to our Pink Lady® family
In everything we do, we aim to excel. We look after and respect one another. We help each other to achieve our goals, and in this way Pink Lady® enriches our lives.

What our purpose means to our consumers
We don’t just sell to our customers; we care for them. We aim to understand them a little better every day and provide them with the ultimate brand experience by uplifting and inspiring them with moments of WOW.
We don’t just sell to our customers; we care for them. We aim to understand them a little better every day and provide them with the ultimate brand experience by uplifting and inspiring them with moments of WOW.

What that means to our global community
We care about access to good food for many across the globe, and care about the decline of the planet’s resources. We will reduce our impact on the planet and do more to make a positive impact. We don’t just talk about caring, we demonstrate it through our actions.
We care about access to good food for many across the globe, and care about the decline of the planet’s resources. We will reduce our impact on the planet and do more to make a positive impact. We don’t just talk about caring, we demonstrate it through our actions.
Grown with
Pink Lady® Organic have all the same qualities of a conventional Pink Lady®, but are grown with organic certification.
Look for the ‘Pink Lady® Organic’ sticker.

Grown with
Pink Lady® Organic have all the same qualities of a conventional Pink Lady®, but are grown with organic certification.
Look for the ‘Pink Lady® Organic’ sticker.

Perfect little apples for perfect little hands
PinKids® apples have all the sensory qualities of their big sister, Pink Lady®, only smaller.
The perfect healthy snack for children, naturally small, naturally delicious.

Join the
Pink Lady® family
Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL) owns and manages the Pink Lady® brand in numerous territories worldwide and invests in the marketing and development of the Pink Lady® brand internationally.
A key strength of the Pink Lady® brand is its co-operative international network and the combined international program of licensees and distributors. A cornerstone of the global Pink Lady® business is that licensed exporters can only supply Pink Lady® apples to licensed importers.
If you are interested in exporting, importing or selling Pink Lady® apples you can apply for a license by contacting us.