Adopt-a-Tree campaign continues to grow!

Adopt-a-Tree is back in 2023, this year with over 6,000 trees up for adoption across seven countries!
For several years, the Pink Lady® Adopt-a-Tree campaign has allowed consumers to sponsor a Pink Lady® apple tree, enabling them to follow the production cycle of their tree throughout the year and provide the opportunity to harvest their very own Pink Lady® apples in November.
With even more trees up for adoption in 2023, the program is taking place in the big three European producing countries, France, Italy and Spain, as well as in Germany, Ireland, Belgium and Norway, where participants can enter to win a trip to their sponsored tree orchard.
The winning families will be invited to the orchard in November and will have the opportunity to meet their producers and harvest fruit from their trees. Sponsors will receive news from the seven Pink Lady® producers: Nicolas, Matthieu and Sophie in France, Daniele and Alexander in Italy, and Anna and Joan Maria in Spain.
The program enables sponsors to form a close relationship with Pink Lady® apple growers, providing an exclusive opportunity to meet them and find out about their work, daily life and commitments, as well as the values that make Pink Lady® a unique apple.